n.1 PASSWORD - health training Restart running after inactivity (sloth), disease, trauma, obesity, etc..

The program is about a single "mesocycle" sessions (from 12 to 36 sessions depending on the BMI) the intensity of which is determined by the result of Cooper test in 6 minutes, which must be in between 350 and 800 meters in VO2max from a minimum of 13.3 [ml / kg / min].
n.1 PASSWORD - periodization training 5000 meters, 8000-12000 meters, 1/2 Marathon, Marathon

The program is about 4 mesocycles (for a minimum of 36 to a maximum of 120 sessions of training) which can be arranged looking for a competition. The intensity of the sessions is established in relation to Cooper test (in 12 minutes) or the latest sports scores. This form of training is feasible up to athletes with a VO2max of 64 [ml / kg / min].
n.50 PASSWORDS - professional packet

Sport-sys programs perfectly fit with the professionalism that you offer to your customers. The "professional packet" gives you the opportunity to buy 50 password at a very affordable price that you can distribute according to the needs of your patients / athletes.
n. 500 PASSWORDS - company or sports association packet

give to your employees a "training program for running" has a dual function: firstable it is an innovative form of gratitude towards the employee and second you will have the certainty that they are always "in fighting fit". It will be the individual employee who is going to choose which program to use