marathon and 1/2 marathon
The program was set to 4 mesocycles (1° and 2° of preparation, 3° pre-competition and 4° of competition).
Each mesocycle is developed in 4 microcycle (3:1) , 3 microcycle organized to create a growth phase of the load , interrupted by one microcycle of unload.
This form of organization can be modified on request to adapt the program to the needs of the competitions calendar to which you want to partecipate ( more detailed Periodization).
This form of organization can be modified on request to adapt the program to the needs of the competitions calendar to which you want to partecipate ( more detailed Periodization).
In total training plan consist of 4 mesocycles (4 blocks for a total of 20 weeks) and transcribed from a minimum of 60 to a maximum of 120 tables , divided into weekly microcycles.
Each weekly microcycle is structured with a number of training which may vary from 3 athletes with a VO2 estimated 334-44 cm3/kg min., to 6 per experienced athletes with a VO2 estimated over 60-66 cm3/kg min.
When necessary these programs may be required also with a smaller number (up to 3) of training sessions per week.
For the correct training customization a sport result (3000m, 5000m, 10000m ecc.) done in the past season ,or the Cooper test result is required.
Example of Reading Training
Each weekly microcycle is structured with a number of training which may vary from 3 athletes with a VO2 estimated 334-44 cm3/kg min., to 6 per experienced athletes with a VO2 estimated over 60-66 cm3/kg min.
When necessary these programs may be required also with a smaller number (up to 3) of training sessions per week.
For the correct training customization a sport result (3000m, 5000m, 10000m ecc.) done in the past season ,or the Cooper test result is required.
Example of Reading Training